Monday, December 26, 2011

3meals: hamburger

Hey, this video is kinda off topic. But it gives u ideas of 3 full meals with the ingredients of a hamburger. Yes, these ideas actually do work. And sry, I don't know how to actually make some of these. Look for recipes online! :) good luck!!!!:)

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Chilaquiles con Salsa Verde Chilaquiles z zielonym sosym Składniki : Salsa Verde Pierś z Kurczaka Cebula Bulion Drobiowy Nachosy Naturalne Kolendra lub Pietruszka Kwaśna Śmietana Ser biały typu włoskiego Sól i Pieprz Sposób Przyrządzanie : Rozdrobnić ugotowaną wcześniej pierś z kurczaka. Zagotować bulion z salsą verde, doprawić solą i pieprzem. Gotować około 2 min., dodać rozdrobnione mięso z kurczaka i ponownie zagotować. Dodać nachosy na maksymalnie 10-15 sek, wymieszać. Podawać bezpośrednio po przygotowaniu, udekorowane cebulą, serem i śmietaną. Ingredientes: Salsa Verde Pechuga de Pollo Cebolla Caldo de Pollo Nachos Naturales Cilantro o Perejil Crema Natural Queso Blanco Tipo Italiano Sal y Pimienta Preparacion: Cocinar la Pechuga De Pollo.Deshebrar o desmenuzar la carne. Mezclar el Caldo con la salsa verde y cocinar durante 2 min., condimentar con sal y pimienta. Ańadir el pollo a la salsa cocinar a fuego lento durante un 1 minuto para que la carne tome el sabor. Ańadir los nachos y mezclar durante 10 a 15 segundos max. Servir y decorar con la cebolla el queso y la crema . Buen Provecho !!! :

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

!±8± Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

There have always been really strange recipes around that are passed from kitchen to kitchen until they fade and a new fad takes over. Usually they are perfectly edible, they may even taste quite good, but at least one ingredient is strange or used in a peculiar way.

Bacon Mugs

I found a version of this on Stumble. The resulting mugs make great containers for salads, rice etc. Use small ovenproof dishes upside down. These you cover with foil pressed well down. These you cover with bacon. I t is best if you cross two rashers over the upturned base and then wind one or two more rashers in and out to make a bacon basket. Cook these on a baking tray to catch drips. How long they take to become crisp will depend upon the bacon and your oven. A hot oven is best, but may produce some smoke. The bacon will shrink of course, but removed carefully from the foil after cooling and they should keep their shape. I must try this with vegetarian bacon, but these crisp up really quickly so keep a careful eye on them. Another idea might be to create a basket in a long, shallow dish.

Carrot Jam

This comes from a Second World War time book, so is really old. The fact that the recipe has survived this long must mean that it is worth making. Next time I make carrot cake I
will split it and spread it with some of this. I cannot give quantities as it depends upon how much mashed carrot you have.

Wash and peel your carrots. Chop them small and boil in slightly salted water until soft. Drain and sieve or chop finely in a food processor. To one pound of this pulp add on pound of sugar , 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger and the juice and grated zest of a lemon.

Boil all these together as when making any other jam. Pot when it begins to get thick.

Rose Petal Jam

My darling Granddad would allow me to pick his precious roses to make this. Some petals, especially white ones need trimming at the end where they join the flower as this part of the petal can produce a bitter taste.

2 mugs of rose petals packed fairly tightly, 2 1/2 mugs of sugar, 2 mugs of warm water, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cut the petals into 1/4 inch strips. Cover with the water and cook for about 10 minutes. Strain this, reserving the petals, and use the liquid to make a syrup with the sugar and honey. Boil and then simmer for 5 minutes before adding the petals once more. Then cook on the lowest possible flame for about 40 minutes- an asbestos mat helps with this recipe. Add the lemon juice and cook for a further 20 minutes. Pour into sterile pots and seal. Some would want to add a little colouring, but I am a purist and never do.

Jelly Fruit - Americans would probably call these Jello Fruit.

I remember these as a great treat at birthdays when I was a child. Somehow eating the jelly from out of a fruit shell made it taste better - at least in my imagination.

Each fruit will give you 4 portions. Halve your oranges. Remove all the flesh taking care not to damage the skins. Place the dry skins upright on a tray, or better still balance them in muffin tins which means that they stay upright more easily. Make up your jelly/jello a little thicker than normal and pour into the empty shells as full as you can as it shrinks a little when it sets. Place the tray in fridge and let set. Then cut each half shell once more so that the orange shell is now in quarters which make them much easier to eat. All you have to do now is to think of something to do with all that orange flesh. Now that my family is grown I wonder if it will work as jelly shots?

Weird and Wonderful Recipes Just For Fun

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Some Good Hamburger Seasoning Mix

!±8± Some Good Hamburger Seasoning Mix

Hamburgers are one of the most sought after food items in the world and the American hamburgers are world famous. What can be the secret behind it? You may guess it is the cooking skill that can make n excellent hamburger. No doubt it is so but it is mixing the right ingredients along with adding the correct seasoning that goes into making a real good hamburger in looks as well as taste.

Now to know the correct seasoning you need a lot of experience and a lot of practice can help you gain experience. This experience will teach you that the seasoning mix if thoroughly blended with the ground meat in a big bowl and left to sit for a while may be 20 to 25 minutes, a good burger that you were going to cook may turn out to be a fabulous one.

There are some advantages of doing it. One of them is that the meat will slowly gather heat and is a little closer to the room temperature which will help it to cook better and next the meat would have more time to absorb the spices which will make it a lot tastier on cooking.

All said and done the seasoning mix that goes into cooking of a hamburger should be made with care s it is the one that is going to decide the taste of the final product. One of the formulas that is really common but when used makes quite tasty hamburgers, is shown here for your perusal.

To make the formula you will need half tablespoon of black pepper, one table spoon of Worchestershire sauce, granulated garlic about half a teaspoon and salt. Grated onion can also be added if you really like the taste of onion. You can use this mix for one pound of meat which is ground. You can blend this mix with the meat and keep awhile. When it is ready to be cooked you can make patties. To get a better flavor, you can sprinkle these patties with a little of garlic powder, pepper and salt.

Stuff a bun which is pre-toasted with the patties and serve hot with a garnish either of tomato, some sauce or onion.

Some Good Hamburger Seasoning Mix

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Family Night Dinner Ideas - Quick Easy Dinner Recipes

Family Night Dinner Ideas - Quick Easy Dinner Recipes Get the recipes here: It's harder than ever to get the family to the dinner table these days. Tracy Metro for the Kraft Kitchens shares recipes and ideas to make Friday night family night; the one night of the week when everyone looks forward to dinner together. Inside-Out Bacon Cheeseburgers 1 lb. ground beef 3 Tbsp. KRAFT Ranch Dressing, divided 4 slices OSCAR MAYER Bacon, cooked, crumbled 2 KRAFT Singles, cut into quarters 4 hamburger buns, lightly toasted 4 lettuce leaves 8 slices tomato 1. HEAT grill to medium heat. 2. MIX meat and 2 Tbsp. dressing; shape into 8 thin patties. Combine remaining dressing and bacon. Spoon onto centers of 4 patties; top with Singles quarters and remaining patties. Pinch edges together to seal. 3. GRILL 7 to 9 min. on each side or until burgers are done (160°F). 4. FILL buns with lettuce, burgers and tomatoes. Tips Serving Suggestion - Enjoy this summer favorite with a skewer of grilled vegetables. Substitute - Substitute 1/3 cup KRAFT Shredded Cheddar or Monterey Jack Cheese for the Singles. Storing Ground Beef - Store ground beef in the coldest part of the refrigerator for up to 2 days. (The refrigerator temperature should be no higher than 40°F.) For longer storage, wrap the meat tightly in foil or freezer-weight plastic wrap and store in the freezer. When thawing, place the meat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to prevent any drippings from cross ...

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bobs Big Boy Hamburger Sauce Recipe America's Secret Recipes is your key to great restaurant food in your own kitchen. This book is filled with hundreds of recipes that you would immediately recognize from several of the top restaurants around the United States. You could create a meal from a different...

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Competing and Collaborating in China with Bi-Cultural...

Google TechTalks July 5, 2006 Teng-Kee Tan A US corporate marketing man born in Malaysia and educated in Singapore who later struck out on his own, Prof Teng-Kee Tan did business for 10 years in China and now runs (and teaches in) joint graduate programs in technology entrepreneurship and innovation between institutions in Singapore, US and China. ABSTRACT Prof Teng-Kee Tan talks about the "dilemma approach" to the opportunities and challenges of doing business in China as we examine and reconcile Eastern and Western values and culture.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

London Broil Grilled Steak by the BBQ Pit Boys

The round steak, sometimes referred to as a topside and silverside, can be a tough cut of beef steak unless you first marinate it for a few hours. Check out this classic barbecue steak marinade recipe by one of the BBQ Pit Boys.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Fund Raising Dinner Party Idea

!±8± A Fund Raising Dinner Party Idea

If you want to contribute to a cause you really believe in then why not consider hosting a fund raising dinner party? If you don't want to go all out with a three course meal then you can do something simple - but make it for a good and worthy cause. Have fun raising funds focusing on food at the same time. It's a great way to show you care and a great way for your friends to learn how important a cause may be.

You can invite guests to attend and pay a set fee - like , , or more - you know how much your friends can afford. Or, you can simply leave a donation bucket at the door and people can contribute any amount they see fit. If you charge a set fee, try to organize receipts for the patrons because it's usually tax deductible. Most people won't care about receipts but it will let them see their money has gone to the charity. This is usually more of an issue if you don't know the people well I guess.

You can send an invitation and on it, consider writing a paragraph or two about the charity you will be helping. The cause you focus upon could be anything from raising money for your local school, an animal charity or to help an illness, the environment or anything you feel passionate about.

You could start a chain of dinner parties inviting someone at your party to host the next fund raising dinner party. Keep track of how much you make as a group. This sort of story is also usually of great interest to a community paper so make sure you keep photos. This in itself generates even more awareness and publicity for your chosen cause.

You can even consider inviting a representative from the charity to say a few words either during the dinner or before. The great thing with this sort of dinner is that everyone feels fantastic that they have contributed to a worthy cause and you'll have done it in such a fun way! This is just something to consider on your search for a dinner party idea.

I love good food and good wine and I love to socialize. Dinner parties give me the opportunity to indulge both my passions. I love dinner parties so much that I host a blog which provides ideas for your next dinner party. They provide such a great way to catch up with the important people in your life.

People love to be invited to dinner parties because they can enjoy an excellent event of great food and company and all it costs usually is a bottle of wine - and maybe a taxi fare home. But it's not about the money - it's just great to be spoiled by your hosts.

A Fund Raising Dinner Party Idea

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Easy Dinner Idea: Mexican Taco Bar

!±8± Easy Dinner Idea: Mexican Taco Bar

Typically, most people have the same dishes week after week. The monotony of weekday meals can become very tiresome. Luckily, there are many ways to take your weekly meals and spice them up a little. A great idea is to take your favorite recipe, add a twist, and serve it different. For instance, tacos are a great recipe that can easily be tweaked and served in a new way. By featuring a taco bar at your weeknight meal, you will give your family variety and make a favorite meal more exciting.

A taco bar basically is way to have your family serve themselves. They build their own tacos, which is a favorite among kids. On your table, place your meat, tortillas and a variety of condiments for everyone to pick from. This takes less pressure off of the cook since they can sit back and enjoy the meal without tending to everyone else.

Meat And Tortillas

A great way to add variety to any type of taco dinner is offering different meats to choose from. Chicken and beef are always a favorite among many people and can easily be cooked in different ways to add diversity. To prepare chicken, simply cut up boneless, skinless chicken breasts in bite size pieces. Cook in a skillet while adding spices such as taco seasoning, salt, pepper, and cumin. Lime juice also can be added for extra flavor. You can do the same with ground beef or even sliced steak. Shrimp and fish can also be used, if desired. Try grilling your meats for a different flavoring and a healthier alternative. For an extra healthy alternative, try using ground turkey since it is both low in fat and can give your tacos extra seasoning. You can serve both corn and flour tortillas depending upon which one you prefer.

Condiments And Toppings

There are numerous condiments and toppings that you can add to your taco. Keep in mind that some people prefer spicy foods while some do not while planning which type of condiments you plan on serving. A few must haves are shredded cheese, salsa, and sour cream. Monterrey Jack, Cheddar, and Colby Jack cheeses are a few main types of cheese that are used on tacos. Onions, shredded lettuce, bell peppers and diced tomatoes are a few main toppings that people add to their tacos. Pico de gallo is usually served alongside all of your toppings as well.

When it comes to spice, the type of salsa you serve can also depend upon who you plan on serving. If you and your guests do not like spice, try using a mild salsa. If you and your guests love a lot of spice, try serving a hot salsa alongside hot sauce. Diced jalapenos can be served, too. For unique flavorings, try different types of salsas such as a mango salsa that can add a sweet, fruity flavor to your tacos. No matter what your spice level is, there are tons of different salsas for you to choose from. Try serving a few salsas to give your guests a choice.

Easy Dinner Idea: Mexican Taco Bar

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fun Quick and Easy Dinner Ideas - Mexican Pizza and Mexican Tortilla Dinner

!±8± Fun Quick and Easy Dinner Ideas - Mexican Pizza and Mexican Tortilla Dinner

I love sharing quick and easy recipes with people who really need them. You know who you are; the rushed folks who want to eat at home but not spend forever cooking every day. Over the years I've published recipes that are family favorites and everyday comfort foods like soup and casseroles, slow cooker recipes, quick breads and holiday desserts.

My favorite recipes to share, however, are the fun recipes that kids love to help fix and of course eat. That's why I've found two great tasting Mexican-style recipes (since Mexican is my favorite cuisine) that will hopefully break-up the weekday monotony and make dinner fun. Hope you enjoy supper and spending some special time with your family.

Easy Mexican Cornbread Pizza

1 (8.5 ounce) package corn muffin mix
1 pound ground beef
1 (1.25 ounce) package Taco Seasoning Mix
1 (8 ounce) package shredded Cheddar cheese, divided

Mix corn muffin ingredients as directed on package. Spread batter into greased 12-inch pizza pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Brown meat; drain. Add Seasoning Mix and 3/4 cup water; prepare as directed on package. Sprinkle 1 cup cheese over baked crust. Top with meat mixture and remaining cheese. Bake 4 to 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve with your favorite taco toppings such as shredded lettuce, chopped fresh tomatoes Thick 'N Chunky Salsa, Guacamole and Sour Cream. You may like to spread a layer of refried beans over the pizza crust before topping with the cheese and meat.

Easy Beef Tortilla Dinner

Onion flakes
2 lbs. ground beef
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can mild Rotel tomatoes
1 tsp cumin seed
1 tsp chili powder
1 dash garlic powder
4 oz. processed cheese, melted
¼ cup sour cream
4 flour tortillas
tortilla chips
2 cups grated cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350. Brown beef and onion together. Mix all ingredients except for chips, tortillas and cheddar cheese together over medium heat until just bubbling. Spray 13x9 baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Slice tortillas into 2 inch strips and layer bottom of dish Layer tortilla chips in dish with chicken mixture. Place a layer of tortilla strips on top. Cover with grated cheddar cheese. Bake in oven 20 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Fun Quick and Easy Dinner Ideas - Mexican Pizza and Mexican Tortilla Dinner

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